Sunday, July 27, 2008

Upcoming Classes

So Happy Together

Don't these bold, happy colors just make you smile?
In this class you'll be using Cosmo Cricket's fun

"Hello Sunshine"

paper line to create a book about anything;
family, friends, summer, or just how sweet life is in general.
It's all about felt & borders on this one.
So don't miss out on some creations from
Jennifer's collection of punches and goodies!

Your Scrapper's Cafe Hostess:
Jennifer Priest

August 21, 2008
7pm - 9pm

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dear To My Heart

This is an awesome album that
will indeed be

Dear To My Heart.

It's an accordian album with canvas as the front/back covers.
You will need to email 2 b/w pictures(.jpeg)
BEFORE August 22nd so that the canvas will
be ready for you at the class.

Your Scrapper's Cafe Hostess:
Jennifer Cruz

August 26th

6pm - 9pm
(be sure to call the store for more details)


Jennifer Priest said...

Wooohoo I am so excited to do a class at your store I also want to get a closer look at that canvas book--it looks AMAZING!

crazy sports mom said...

I am so excited about the new classes! The hadest part is deciding what pictures to use on the canvas album. It is soooo beuatiful in person.

The new papers look absolutely yummy..cant wait to add them to my collection!

Thank you for bringing in such great paper and being open to the latest and greatest out there.